What is your company called? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264443] }}
How big is your team? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264450] }}
Tell us the name of your game! *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264444] }}
What would you like us to know about your project? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264445] }}
Which platforms are you targeting? *
no answer
Does the project require funding? *
no answer
Estimated funding amount? (If required) *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264448] }}
Please include any youtube or video links!
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264789] }}
Do you have a link to a pitch deck / any other material?
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2264790] }}
Please attach any pitch documents, or cool supporting media!
no answer